Monday, April 14, 2008

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy... or to VCs

If you feel a bit like Arthur Dent in a bathrobe traveling through an unfamiliar and illogical universe in your quest for venture capital, there is now an interesting guide. While far from a perfect resource, provides a voyeuristic experience into how specific venture capitalists have treated entrepreneurs, both good and bad. Members of (including your's truly) post details about their experience pitching and working with particular venture firms and individuals. Of course, the quality of individual opinions is a matter of debate (particularly amongst venture capitalists); however, you can learn a lot from reading these postings. It's also a good resource to build a list of potential VC investors that are active in your space. Sadly, I have not found a posting from Deep Thought yet with "The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything."

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